Tests: 12 • Commercial: 2 • Pet projects: 4 • Legacy: 4
Total: 22

.NET Framework


Project Request

ASP.NET MVC • C# • SQL Server
Idea of the project: if someone wants to order a project development, here you can send an application.


ASP.NET MVC • C# • JSON • jQuery
JSON data processing.

Vehicle Maintenance

Idea of the project: if someone wants to order a project development, here you can send an application.

Movie Navigator

Request information about movie from IMDB.

Customers Exchange

ASP.NET MVC • C# • SQL Server
Automated teller machine emulation.


Automated teller machine emulation.

.NET Core

Pet project

Mail Daemon

.NET 9 • Console • JSON
Utility to send mails with customizable settings.



Buns of code

.NET Framework • C# • JavaScript
Code snippets from my projects, ready to use; tiny tests; code examples.




PHP 8 • Laravel 11 • Vue.js • Composer • SQLite
Test project for media files management.

Loan Castle

PHP • MariaDB
Jums jāizstrādā kāda lielāk projekta prototips. Izstrādājot prototipu, paturiet prātā, ka projektam attīstoties, šo prototipu varētu vajadzēt pilnveidot.

Content Management

Создать простой сайт, где будет страница с формой для авторизации и страница для авторизованного пользователя.


PHP • Laravel • Vue.js • Composer • SQLite
Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.

Phone Check

PHP • JavaScript • JSON • Docker
Implement application to detect country by phone number.



Forex Wall

npm • React
For this exercise, what we need is a simple live wall for tracking currencies.

Business projects


Certification Center

.NET Framework 4.8 • ASP.NET Web Forms • C# • LINQ • SQL Server • ADO.NET • Dapper • JavaScript • jQuery • Git
Transport registration and certification services in Latvia, Customer Relationship Management.

Amerikas Auto

.NET Framework 4.8 • ASP.NET Web Forms • C# • LINQ • SQL Server • ADO.NET • Entity Framework • JavaScript • jQuery • Git
Car service and spare parts for all USA and European car models, Customer Relationship Management.

Pet projects

Pet project

Geolocation Assistant

.NET 8 • ASP.NET Core • C# • Web API • JSON • Git
Website for determining geolocation by IP or geotagged photo.
Pet project

Web Dynamics

.NET Framework 4.8 • ASP.NET Web Forms • C# • LINQ • Web API • JSON • SQL Server • Dapper • JavaScript • jQuery • SVG • Git
Software development blog. Articles, books, videos, content management.
Pet project


.NET Framework 4.8 • ASP.NET Web Forms • C# • LINQ • Web API • JSON • XML • SQL Server • Dapper • JavaScript • jQuery • SVG • Git
My entertainment portal created from scratch.

Good old times


DOS Clock

Turbo Pascal • Assembler
Digital clock.


Turbo Pascal • Assembler
Tank battle game.

Airport Administrator

Turbo Pascal
Курсовая работа в институте.


Turbo Pascal • Assembler
Atomizer, aka «Studio2D». Graphic raster editor. AGI is my own «Atomizer Generated Image» file format.


1998 Legacy

Atomizer, aka «Studio2D». Graphic raster editor. AGI is my own «Atomizer Generated Image» file format.

Turbo Pascal Assembler
Source code
{$A+,B+,D+,E-,F-,G+,I+,L+,N+,O-,P-,Q-,R-,S+,T-,V+,X+,Y+} {$M 16000,0,400000} Unit Service; Interface Uses crt, graph, dos, globals, mouse, buttons, menus, general; Const MENU_ITEM_LIST_MainMenu : array [ 0..2 ] of String = ( 'File', 'Edit', 'Help' ); MENU_ITEM_LIST_ClosedImage : array [ 0..4 ] of String = ( 'New', 'Open', 'Paste', 'Put', 'Move' ); MENU_ITEM_LIST_OpenedImage : array [ 0..8 ] of String = ( 'New', 'Open', 'Save', 'Close', 'Smart edit', 'Copy', 'Paste', 'Put', 'Move' ); MENU_MAXITEMS_MainMenu = 3; MENU_MAXITEMS_ClosedImage = 5; MENU_MAXITEMS_OpenedImage = 9; { MENU_ITEM_MAP_NewProject : array[0..MENU_MAXITEMS_ClosedImage-1] of Byte=( 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1); } PhantomColor = 14; PhantomColorNum = 255; PhantomColorStyle = 9; PATH_TO_SHELL = 'SHELL\'; PATH_TO_POINTERS = 'POINTERS\'; Type ImageBitType = record BitX : Byte; BitY : Byte; BitSize : Byte; BitColor : Byte; BitStyle : Byte; end; TriggerType = record Palette : Boolean; Grid : Boolean; FillMode : Boolean; BorrowColor : Boolean; end; ColorType = record Foreground : Byte; Background : Byte; CustomForeground : Byte; CustomBackground : Byte; BorrowLEFT : Byte; BorrowRIGHT : Byte; end; GridType = record GridClip : Byte; GridColor : Byte; PutGrid : procedure; end; MainPaletteType = array[ 0..15, 0..15 ] of Byte; CustomPaletteType = array[ 0..29, 0..5 ] of Byte; OpNameType = ( Copy, Paste, Put, Move ); ClipboardType = array [ 0..50, 0..50 ] of Byte; ResizableImage = array [ 0..0 ] of Byte; ResImageP = ^ResizableImage; ImageBox = record Flag : Boolean; Data : ResImageP; end; Var VERSION_NUMBER : Byte; ImagesByX : Word; ImagesByY : Word; ImageCageX : Byte; ImageCageY : Byte; OldImageCageX : Byte; OldImageCageY : Byte; PutCustCol : Boolean; CustColManager : Integer; Color : ColorType; Trigger : TriggerType; Button : ButtonType; MainPalette : ^MainPaletteType; CustPal : ^CustomPaletteType; Grid : GridType; iSizeX : Byte; iSizeY : Byte; iBit : ImageBitType; AxisX : Byte; AxisY : Byte; OldAxisX : Byte; OldAxisY : Byte; OldManager : Byte; Manager : Byte; FrInMan : LongInt; ManagerA : Byte; NewProjectFlag : Boolean; SelectImX : Byte; SelectImY : Byte; OldSelectImX : Byte; OldSelectImY : Byte; SelectedImage : Word; Image : array[ 0..69, 0..69 ] of ImageBox; Clipboard : ^ClipboardType; { C } Procedure ClosedMainImage; Procedure CloseImage; Procedure CopyImage; { D } Procedure DrawDesktop; { E } Procedure EditImage(Color:Byte); { F } Procedure FillCustomPalette; { G } Procedure GetCustomColor; Procedure GetInfo(MsgNum:Byte); Function GetMainColor : Word; Procedure GridColorManager(GridColManX,GridColManY:Integer); { I } Procedure ImageCage( ImCageXstart, ImCageYstart : Integer ); Procedure ImageSizeManager(PosX,PosY:Integer); { L } Procedure LoadCustomPalette; Procedure LoadImage; Procedure LMBOpsWithImages; { M } Procedure MoveImage; { O } Procedure OpenNewImage; pROCEDURE Operation( OpName : OpNameType ); { P } Procedure PasteImage; Procedure PutIcon(PosX,PosY:Word;IconName:String); Procedure PutSpinner(SpinX,SpinY:Integer); { R } Procedure RefreshCustomPalette; Procedure RefreshCurrentImage; Procedure RMBOpsWithImages; { S } Procedure SaveCustomPalette; Procedure SaveImage; Procedure ShowCurrentImageBit; Procedure ShowCurrentImageSize; Procedure SetNewProject(WinCoordX,WinCoordY:Integer); Implementation {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure CloseImage; begin Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := False; FreeMem( Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data, iSizeX * iSizeY ); ImageCage( 276 + SelectImX * iSizeX, 58 + SelectImY * iSizeY); ClosedMainImage; end;{of 'CloseImage'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ClosedMainImage; begin BarDeluxe( 11, 59, iSizeX * iBit.BitSize - 2, iSizeY * iBit.BitSize - 2, 1, 0 ); SetColor( 31 ); Line( 11, 59, 11 + iSizeX * iBit.BitSize - 2, 59 + iSizeY * iBit.BitSize - 2 ); Line( 11 + iSizeX * iBit.BitSize - 2, 59, 11, 59 + iSizeY * iBit.BitSize - 2 ); end;{of 'ClosedMainImage'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure CopyImage; begin { for CntY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for CntX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do Clipboard^[ CntX, CntY ] := Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ CntX + CntY * iSizeY ]; }end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure EditImage; Var StartX : Word; StartY : Word; GetImageElement_X : Byte; GetImageElement_Y : Byte; begin MouseHide; GetImageElement_X := ( m_X_coord - 10 ) div iBit.BitSize; GetImageElement_Y := ( m_Y_coord - 58 ) div iBit.BitSize; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ GetImageElement_X + GetImageElement_Y * iSizeX ] := Color; if Color = PhantomColorNum then BarDeluxe( 11 + GetImageElement_X * iBit.BitSize, 59 + GetImageElement_Y * iBit.BitSize, iBit.BitSize - 2, iBit.BitSize - 2, PhantomColorStyle, PhantomColor ) else BarDeluxe( 11 + GetImageElement_X * iBit.BitSize, 59 + GetImageElement_Y * iBit.BitSize, iBit.BitSize - 2, iBit.BitSize - 2, 1, Color ); StartX := 276 + SelectImx * iSizeX; StartY := 58 + SelectImy * iSizeY; PutPixel( StartX + GetImageElement_X, StartY + GetImageElement_Y, Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ GetImageElement_X + GetImageElement_Y * iSizeX ] ); MouseShow; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure FillCustomPalette; Var PalX : Byte; PalY : Byte; FillColor : Byte; begin if m_BUTTON=1 then FillColor:=Color.Foreground else FillColor:=Color.Background; PalX:=(m_X_coord-312) div 16; PalY:=(m_Y_coord-495) div 16; CustPal^[PalX,PalY]:=FillColor; BarDeluxe(313+PalX*16,497+PalY*16,12,12,1,FillColor); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetCustomColor; Var PalX : Byte; PalY : Byte; begin PalX:=(m_X_coord-312) div 16; PalY:=(m_Y_coord-495) div 16; if m_BUTTON=1 then begin Color.CustomForeground:=CustPal^[PalX,PalY]; BarDeluxe(277,497,22,16,1,Color.CustomForeground); end else begin Color.CustomBackground:=CustPal^[PalX,PalY]; BarDeluxe(277,535,22,16,1,Color.CustomBackground); end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GetInfo; Const MessageBox : array [0..13] of String =( '', {1} 'Here you can draw image', {2} 'Click here to select color', {3} 'Color of left mouse button', {4} 'Color of middle mouse button', {5} 'Color of right mouse button', {6} 'Click here to create', {7} 'Custom color bar for left mouse button', {8} 'Custom color bar for middle mouse button', {9} 'Custom color bar for right mouse button', {10} 'Click here to create custom palette', {11} '', {12} '', {13} ''); begin SetColor(40); SetTextStyle(0,0,0); OutTextXY(281,310,MessageBox[MsgNum]); end;{of 'GetInfo'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Function GetMainColor; Var Color : Byte; SiteX : Word; SiteY : Word; begin SiteX := ( m_X_coord - 10 ) div 14; SiteY := ( m_Y_coord - 324 ) div 14; Color := MainPalette^[ SiteX, SiteY ]; if Color = PhantomColorNum then if m_BUTTON = 1 then BarDeluxe( 11, 553, 106, 18, PhantomColorStyle, PhantomColor ) else BarDeluxe( 125, 553, 106, 18, PhantomColorStyle, PhantomColor ); if Color <> PhantomColorNum then if m_BUTTON = 1 then BarDeluxe( 11, 553, 106, 18, 1, Color ) else BarDeluxe( 125, 553, 106, 18, 1, Color ); GetMainColor := MainPalette^[ SiteX, SiteY ]; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure GridColorManager; Const WinWidth = 305; WinHeight = 260; Palette : array[0..29] of Byte=( 0 ,104 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 6, 7 , 8 ,140 , 150, 1 , 1, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1, 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 ); Var OldColor : Byte; WorkColor : Byte; begin OldColor:=Grid.GridColor; WorkColor:=Grid.GridColor; PutIcon(304,32,PATH_TO_SHELL+'gridpal1'); { *** Grid color icon *** } CreateWindow(GridColManX,GridColManY,WinWidth,WinHeight,'Grid color manager'); Area(GridColManX+10,GridColManY+40,115,110,'Palette'); { *** Draw palette *** } for AxisY:=0 to 4 do for AxisX:=0 to 5 do Panel(GridColManX+20+AxisX*16,GridColManY+60+AxisY*16,14,14,22,Palette[AxisX+AxisY*5],31); Area(GridColManX+10,GridColManY+170,135,75,'Selected color'); Panel(GridColManX+20,GridColManY+189,115,46,COLOR_3,{Color}0,COLOR_1); SetColor(OldColor); for AxisY:=0 to 7 do for AxisX:=0 to 18 do begin Line(GridColManX+23+AxisX*6,GridColManY+190,GridColManX+23+AxisX*6,GridColManY+234);{V} Line(GridColManX+21,GridColManY+191+AxisY*6,GridColManX+134,GridColManY+191+AxisY*6);{H} end; Area(GridColManX+160,GridColManY+150,135,95,'Current color'); Panel(GridColManX+170,GridColManY+170,115,65,COLOR_3,0,COLOR_1); SetColor(Grid.GridColor); for AxisY:=0 to 10 do for AxisX:=0 to 18 do begin Line(GridColManX+172+AxisX*6,GridColManY+171,GridColManX+172+AxisX*6,GridColManY+234);{V} Line(GridColManX+171,GridColManY+172+AxisY*6,GridColManX+285,GridColManY+172+AxisY*6);{H} end; InitButton(GridColManX+160,GridColManY+40,0,0,'OK',OK); InitButton(GridColManX+160,GridColManY+70,0,0,'Cancel',Cancel); InitButton(GridColManX+160,GridColManY+100,0,0,'Apply',Apply); repeat Old_m_X_coord:=m_X_coord; Old_m_Y_coord:=m_Y_coord; MouseRead(m_X_coord,m_Y_coord,m_BUTTON); if (m_X_coord<>Old_m_X_coord) or (m_Y_coord<>Old_m_Y_coord) then MouseDraw; if m_BUTTON=1 then if not disableLMB then begin disableLMB:=True; if ((m_X_coord>GridColManX+20) and (m_X_coord<GridColManX+114)) and ((m_Y_coord>GridColManY+40) and (m_Y_coord<GridColManY+130)) then begin AxisX:=(m_X_coord-GridColManX-20) div 16; AxisY:=(m_Y_coord-GridColManY-60) div 16; WorkColor:=Palette[AxisX+AxisY*5]; SetColor(WorkColor); for AxisY:=0 to 7 do for AxisX:=0 to 18 do begin Line(GridColManX+23+AxisX*6,GridColManY+190,GridColManX+23+AxisX*6,GridColManY+234);{V} Line(GridColManX+21,GridColManY+191+AxisY*6,GridColManX+134,GridColManY+191+AxisY*6);{H} end; end; (* case GetButton(m_X_coord,m_Y_coord) of OK : begin Grid.GridColor:=WorkColor; if Trigger.Grid then begin SetColor(Grid.GridColor); for AxisY:=1 to iSizeY do for AxisX:=1 to iSizeX do Rectangle(10+AxisX*iBit.BitSize-iBit.BitSize, 40+AxisY*iBit.BitSize-iBit.BitSize, 10+AxisX*iBit.BitSize,40+AxisY*iBit.BitSize); end; ClearWindow(GridColManX,GridColManY,WinWidth,WinHeight); PutIcon(296,6,PATH_TO_SHELL+'gridpal0'); {Grid color icon} Exit; end; Cancel : begin Grid.GridColor:=OldColor; ClearWindow(GridColManX,GridColManX,WinWidth,WinHeight); PutIcon(296,6,PATH_TO_SHELL+'gridpal0'); {Grid color icon} Exit; end; Apply : begin Grid.GridColor:=WorkColor; SetColor(Grid.GridColor); for AxisY:=0 to 10 do for AxisX:=0 to 10 do begin Line(GridColManX+142+AxisX*6,GridColManY+121,GridColManX+142+AxisX*6,GridColManY+184);{V} Line(GridColManX+141,GridColManY+122+AxisY*6,GridColManX+205,GridColManY+122+AxisY*6);{H} end; end; end;{case} *) end else disableLMB:=False;{ of LEFT button } if KeyPressed then { *** Keyboard control *** } begin Key:=ReadKey; if Key=#27 then begin Exit; end; end; until m_BUTTON=2; Grid.GridColor:=WorkColor; PutIcon(304,32,PATH_TO_SHELL+'gridpal0'); { *** Grid color icon *** } end;{of 'GridColorManager'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ImageCage; begin BarDeluxe( ImCageXstart, ImCageYstart, iSizeX - 2, iSizeY - 2, 1, 0 ); SetColor( 28 ); Rectangle( ImCageXstart, ImCageYstart, ImCageXstart + iSizeX - 1, ImCageYstart + iSizeY - 1 ); Line( ImCageXstart + 1, ImCageYstart + 1, ImCageXstart + iSizeX - 2, ImCageYstart + iSizeY - 2); Line( ImCageXstart + iSizeX - 2, ImCageYstart + 1, ImCageXstart + 1, ImCageYstart + iSizeY - 2); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ImageSizeManager; begin end;{of 'ImageSizeManager'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure DrawDesktop; var tmpX : integer; tmpY : integer; begin { *** Set image bit size *** } if iSizeX>iSizeY then iBit.BitSize:= 256 div iSizeX; if iSizeY>iSizeX then iBit.BitSize:= 256 div iSizeY; if iSizeX=iSizeY then iBit.BitSize:= 256 div iSizeX; if iBit.BitSize>14 then iBit.BitSize:=14; { *** Init all images *** } for AxisY := 0 to ImagesByY do for AxisX := 0 to ImagesByX do begin Image[ AxisX, AxisY ].Flag := False; for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do Image[ AxisX, AxisY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeX ] := 0; end; { Initialize main palette } for AxisY := 0 to 15 do for AxisX := 0 to 15 do MainPalette^[ AxisX, AxisY ] := AxisX + 16 * AxisY; MainPalette^[ 7, 15 ] := 22; MainPalette^[ 8, 15 ] := 23; MainPalette^[ 9, 15 ] := 24; MainPalette^[ 10, 15 ] := 25; MainPalette^[ 11, 15 ] := 26; MainPalette^[ 12, 15 ] := COLOR_2; MainPalette^[ 13, 15 ] := 28; MainPalette^[ 14, 15 ] := 29; MainPalette^[ 15, 15 ] := PhantomColorNum; CreateWindow( 0, 0, GetMaxX, GetMaxY, 'Atomizer' ); Area( 4, 24, 204, 22, '' ); BarDeluxe( 8, 28, 30, 14, 1, 105 ); SetColor( 15 ); {SetStandardFont;} OutTextXY( 13, 29, 'File' ); {Main image window} {Here you can draw image} Panel( 10, 58, iSizeX * iBit.BitSize, iSizeY * iBit.BitSize, COLOR_3, 0, COLOR_1 ); ClosedMainImage; for AxisY := 0 to 15 do { *** Draw palette box *** } for AxisX := 0 to 15 do Panel( 10 + AxisX * 14, 324 + AxisY * 14, 12, 12, 22, MainPalette^[ AxisX, AxisY ], 31 ); BarDeluxe( 221, 535, 10, 10, PhantomColorStyle, PhantomColor ); Panel(10,552,108,20,22,Color.Foreground,31); {Color of LEFT mouse button} Panel(124,552,108,20,22,Color.Background,31); {Color of RIGHT mouse button} (* Panel(280,496,23,18,22,27,31); {Custom color bar of LEFT mouse button} Panel(280,520,23,18,22,27,31); {Custom color bar of RIGHT mouse button} *) (* Panel(276,338,515,21,22,27,31); { Message box } SetColor(0); OutTextXY(282,345,'Click here to call closed image operating menu'); *) { DRAW IMAGES BLOCK } for AxisY := 0 to ImagesByY - 1 do for AxisX := 0 to ImagesByX - 1 do ImageCage( 276 + AxisX * iSizeX, 58 + AxisY * iSizeY ); {----------------------------} {DRAW CUSTOM PALETTE BOX} (* for AxisY:=1 to 6 do for AxisX:=1 to 30 do begin Panel(296+AxisX*16,480+AxisY*16,14,14,22,COLOR_2,31); BarDeluxe(297+AxisX*16,481+AxisY*16,12,12,1,27); end; *) { Status bar } Panel( 5, 578, GetMaxX - 10, 16, COLOR_3, COLOR_2, COLOR_1 ); Panel( 216, 30, 50, 16, COLOR_3, COLOR_2, COLOR_1 ); { SetColor( 0 ); SetStandardFont; OutTextXY( 10, 580, 'Status string of Atomizer' ); } ShowCurrentImageSize; end;{of 'DrawDesktop'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure MoveImage; begin { Image[ OldSelectImX, OldSelectImY ].Flag := False; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; for CntY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for CntX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do Clipboard^[ CntX, CntY ] := Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ CntX + CntY * iSizeY ]; ClosedMainImage; } end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure LoadCustomPalette; Var FileName : String; F : File; Color : Byte; begin BarDeluxe(0,0,200,20,1,0); SetColor(10); OutTextXY(0,10,'Load custom palette:'); ReadLn(FileName); FileName:=FileName+'.cpf'; Assign(F,FileName); {$I-} Reset(F,1); {$I+} for AxisY:=0 to 5 do for AxisX:=0 to 29 do begin BlockRead(F,Color,1); CustPal^[AxisX,AxisY]:=Color; end; Close(F); BarDeluxe(0,0,200,20,1,0); RefreshCustomPalette; end;{of 'Load custom palette'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure LoadImage; Var PalettePresent : Byte; FileName : String; Color : Byte; begin BarDeluxe(0,0,70,20,1,0); SetTextStyle(2,0,0); SetColor(10); OutTextXY(0,10,'Load image'); ReadLn( FileName ); FileName := FileName + '.agi'; Assign( F, FileName ); {$I-} Reset( F, 1 ); {$I+} if IOResult <> 0 then Exit; BlockRead( F, VERSION_NUMBER, 1 ); BlockRead( F, iSizeX, 1 ); BlockRead( F, iSizeY, 1 ); for AxisY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for AxisX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do BlockRead( F, Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ AxisX + AxisY * iSizeX ], 1 ); { BlockRead( F, PalettePresent,1); if PalettePresent=1 then if PaletteFlag then begin for AxisY:=0 to 5 do for AxisX:=0 to 29 do begin BlockRead(F,CustPal^[AxisX,AxisY],1); end; RefreshCustomPalette; end; } Close(F); RefreshCurrentImage; BarDeluxe(0,0,70,20,1,27); end;{of 'LoadImage'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure LMBOpsWithImages; begin { OldSelectImX := SelectImX; OldSelectImY := SelectImY; } SelectImX := ( m_X_coord - 276 ) div iSizeX; SelectImY := ( m_Y_coord - 58 ) div iSizeY; if not Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag then { Image now is CLOSED } ClosedMainImage else { Image already is OPENED } begin { Selected other image } SelectImX := ( m_X_coord - 276 ) div iSizeX; SelectImY := ( m_Y_coord - 58 ) div iSizeY; RefreshCurrentImage; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure OpenNewImage; Var ReadPixel : byte; tmpX : integer; tmpY : integer; begin NewProjectFlag := False; { Allocate memory for new image } Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; GetMem( Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data, iSizeX * iSizeY ); for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeX ] := Color.Background; RefreshCurrentImage; BarDeluxe( 276 + SelectImX * iSizeX, 58 + SelectImY * iSizeY, iSizeX - 1, iSizeY - 1, 1, Color.Background ); {OutTextXY( 400,400, inttostr());} end;{ of 'OpenNewImage' } {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure Operation; Var StartX : Integer; StartY : Integer; tmpX : integer; tmpY : integer; begin case OpName of {---------------------------------------------------------} Copy : { Copy image to clipboard } begin for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ] := Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeY ]; end; {---------------------------------------------------------} Paste : { Paste image from clipboard } begin StartX := 276 + SelectImX * iSizeX; StartY := 58 + SelectImY * iSizeY; if Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag = False then { Closed } begin Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; { Open } GetMem( Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data, iSizeX * iSizeY ); end; for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do begin PutPixel( StartX + tmpX, StartY + tmpY, Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ] ); Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeX ] := Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ]; end; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; RefreshCurrentImage; end; {---------------------------------------------------------} Put : { Put image with transparency } begin StartX := 276 + SelectImX * iSizeX; StartY := 58 + SelectImY * iSizeY; if Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag = False then { Closed } begin Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; { Open } GetMem( Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data, iSizeX * iSizeY ); end; for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do begin if Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ] <> PhantomColorNum then { Not phantom } PutPixel( StartX + tmpX, StartY + tmpY, Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ] ); {if Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag = True then if Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag = True then Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ CntX + CntY * iSizeX ] := Clipboard^[ CntX, CntY ]; else } Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeX ] := Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ]; end; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; RefreshCurrentImage; end; end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure PasteImage; Var StartX : Integer; StartY : Integer; tmpX : integer; tmpY : integer; begin StartX := 276 + SelectImX * iSizeX; StartY := 58 + SelectImY * iSizeY; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; GetMem( Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data, iSizeX * iSizeY ); for tmpY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for tmpX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do begin PutPixel( StartX + tmpX, StartY + tmpY, Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ] ); Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ tmpX + tmpY * iSizeX ] := Clipboard^[ tmpX, tmpY ]; end; Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag := True; RefreshCurrentImage; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure PutIcon; Var IconSizeX : Byte; IconSizeY : Byte; Pixel : Byte; begin Assign(F,IconName+'.agi'); {$i-} Reset(F,1); {$i+} if IOResult <>0 then Exit; BlockRead(F,VERSION_NUMBER,1); BlockRead(F,IconSizeX,1); BlockRead(F,IconSizeY,1); for AxisY:=0 to IconSizeY-1 do for AxisX:=0 to IconSizeX-1 do begin BlockRead(F,Pixel,1); PutPixel(PosX+AxisX,PosY+AxisY,Pixel); end; Close(F); end;{of 'PutIcon'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure PutSpinner; begin Panel(SpinX,SpinY,28,18,COLOR_3,COLOR_1,28); PutIcon(SpinX+30,SpinY,PATH_TO_SHELL+'spininc0'); PutIcon(SpinX+30,SpinY+10,PATH_TO_SHELL+'spindec0'); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure RefreshCustomPalette; Var Color : Byte; begin for AxisY:=0 to 5 do for AxisX:=0 to 29 do begin Color:=CustPal^[AxisX,AxisY]; if Color<>PhantomColorNum then BarDeluxe(313+AxisX*16,497+AxisY*16,12,12,1,Color) else BarDeluxe(313+AxisX*16,497+AxisY*16,12,12,PhantomColorStyle,PhantomColor); end; end;{of 'RefreshCustomPalette'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure RefreshCurrentImage; Var Color : Byte; begin { Delete lines when open new image } SetColor( 0 ); Line( 11, 59, 11 + iSizeX * iBit.BitSize - 2, 59 + iSizeY * iBit.BitSize - 2 ); Line( 11 + iSizeX * iBit.BitSize - 2 , 59, 11, 59 + iSizeY * iBit.BitSize - 2 ); for AxisY := 0 to iSizeY - 1 do for AxisX := 0 to iSizeX - 1 do begin Color := Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ AxisX + AxisY * iSizeX ]; if Color = PhantomColorNum then BarDeluxe( 11 + AxisX * iBit.BitSize , 59 + AxisY * iBit.BitSize, iBit.BitSize - 2, iBit.BitSize - 2, PhantomColorStyle, PhantomColor ) else BarDeluxe( 11 + AxisX * iBit.BitSize,59 + AxisY * iBit.BitSize, iBit.BitSize - 2, iBit.BitSize - 2, 1, Color ); end; end;{of 'RefreshCurrentImage'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure RMBOpsWithImages; begin OldSelectImX := SelectImX; OldSelectImY := SelectImY; SelectImX := ( m_X_coord - 276 ) div iSizeX; SelectImY := ( m_Y_coord - 58 ) div iSizeY; if not Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Flag then { Image now is CLOSED } begin case VerticalGraphMenu( m_X_coord, m_Y_coord, MENU_ITEM_LIST_ClosedImage, MENU_MAXITEMS_ClosedImage ) of 0 : OpenNewImage; 2 : Operation( Paste ); 3 : Operation( Put ); end { of case } end else { Image already is OPENED } if ( OldSelectImX = SelectImX ) and ( OldSelectImY = SelectImY ) then { Selected current image } begin case VerticalGraphMenu(m_X_coord,m_Y_coord,MENU_ITEM_LIST_OpenedImage,MENU_MAXITEMS_OpenedImage) of 0 : OpenNewImage; { NEW image } 1 : begin end; 2 : begin end; 3 : CloseImage; 5 : Operation( Copy ); 6 : Operation( Paste ); 7 : Operation( Put ); 8 : MoveImage; end;{ of case } end; end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure SaveCustomPalette; Var FileName : String; F : File; Color : Byte; begin BarDeluxe(0,0,200,20,1,0); SetColor(10); OutTextXY(0,10,'Save custom palette:'); ReadLn(FileName); FileName:=FileName+'.cpf'; Assign(F,FileName); Rewrite(F,1); for AxisY:=0 to 5 do for AxisX:=0 to 29 do begin Color:=CustPal^[AxisX,AxisY]; BlockWrite(F,Color,1); end; Close(F); BarDeluxe(0,0,200,20,1,0); end;{of 'Save custom palette'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure SaveImage; Var FileName : String; DefaultFilename : Byte; PalettePresent : Byte; begin BarDeluxe(0,0,70,20,1,0); SetColor(10); SetTextStyle(2,0,0); OutTextXY(0,10,'Save image'); { if PaletteFlag then OutTextXY(0,10,'Save image with palette:') else OutTextXY(0,10,'Save image:');} ReadLn( FileName ); FileName := FileName + '.agi'; Assign( F, FileName ); Rewrite( F, 1 ); BlockWrite( F, VERSION_NUMBER, 1 ); BlockWrite( F, iSizeX, 1 ); BlockWrite( F, iSizeY, 1 ); for AxisY := 0 to ISizeY - 1 do for AxisX := 0 to ISizeX - 1 do BlockWrite( F, Image[ SelectImX, SelectImY ].Data^[ AxisX + AxisY * iSizeX ], 1 ); { if PaletteFlag then begin PalettePresent:=1; BlockWrite(F,PalettePresent,1); for AxisY:=0 to 5 do for AxisX:=0 to 29 do begin BlockWrite(F,CustPal^[AxisX,AxisY],1); end; end else begin PalettePresent:=0; BlockWrite(F,PalettePresent,1); end; } Close(F); BarDeluxe(0,0,70,20,1,27); end;{of 'SaveImage'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ShowCurrentImageBit; begin {SetStandardFont;} SetColor( COLOR_2 ); OutTextXY( 222, 32, IntToStr( OldImageCageX ) ); OutTextXY( 244, 32, IntToStr( OldImageCageY ) ); OldImageCageX := ImageCageX; OldImageCageY := ImageCageY; ImageCageX := ( m_X_coord - 11 ) div iBit.BitSize + 1; ImageCageY := ( m_Y_coord - 59 ) div iBit.BitSize + 1; SetColor( 0 ); OutTextXY( 222, 32, IntToStr( OldImageCageX ) ); OutTextXY( 244, 32, IntToStr( OldImageCageY ) ); end;{of 'ShowCurrentImageBit'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure ShowCurrentImageSize; begin {SetStandardFont;} SetColor( 0 ); OutTextXY( 10, 580, 'Image: ' ); OutTextXY( 45, 580, IntToStr( iSizeX ) ); OutTextXY( 65, 580, 'x' ); OutTextXY( 73, 580, IntToStr( iSizeY ) ); end;{of 'ShowCurrentImageSize'} {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} Procedure SetNewProject; Const WinWidth = 160; WinHeight = 185; begin PutIcon(280,32,PATH_TO_SHELL+'newprj0'); CreateWindow(WinCoordX,WinCoordY,WinWidth,WinHeight,'New project'); Area(WinCoordX+10,WinCoordY+40,140,90,'Image Size'); {SetStandardFont;} SetColor(0); OutTextXY(WinCoordX+25,WinCoordY+65,'Horizontal'); OutTextXY(WinCoordX+25,WinCoordY+95,'Vertical'); PutSpinner(WinCoordX+90,WinCoordY+62); PutSpinner(WinCoordX+90,WinCoordY+92); InitButton(WinCoordX+10,WinCoordY+150,65,20,'OK',OK); InitButton(WinCoordX+85,WinCoordY+150,65,20,'Cancel',Cancel); end; {----------------------------------------------------------------------------} End.{ of unit 'Service' written by Sergeant at 26.03.99 }