Test project for media files management.
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\TextUI\Output;
use const PHP_EOL;
use function sprintf;
use PHPUnit\TestRunner\TestResult\TestResult;
use PHPUnit\Util\Color;
* @no-named-arguments Parameter names are not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
* @internal This class is not covered by the backward compatibility promise for PHPUnit
final class SummaryPrinter
private readonly Printer $printer;
private readonly bool $colors;
private bool $countPrinted = false;
public function __construct(Printer $printer, bool $colors)
$this->printer = $printer;
$this->colors = $colors;
public function print(TestResult $result): void
if ($result->numberOfTestsRun() === 0) {
'fg-black, bg-yellow',
'No tests executed!',
if ($result->wasSuccessfulAndNoTestHasIssues() &&
!$result->hasTestSuiteSkippedEvents() &&
!$result->hasTestSkippedEvents()) {
'fg-black, bg-green',
'OK (%d test%s, %d assertion%s)',
$result->numberOfTestsRun() === 1 ? '' : 's',
$result->numberOfAssertions() === 1 ? '' : 's',
$color = 'fg-black, bg-yellow';
if ($result->wasSuccessful()) {
if (!$result->hasTestsWithIssues()) {
'OK, but some tests were skipped!',
} else {
'OK, but there were issues!',
} else {
if ($result->hasTestErroredEvents() || $result->hasTestTriggeredPhpunitErrorEvents()) {
$color = 'fg-white, bg-red';
} elseif ($result->hasTestFailedEvents()) {
$color = 'fg-white, bg-red';
} elseif ($result->hasWarnings()) {
} elseif ($result->hasDeprecations()) {
} elseif ($result->hasNotices()) {
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfTestsRun(), 'Tests', $color, true);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfAssertions(), 'Assertions', $color, true);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfErrors(), 'Errors', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfTestFailedEvents(), 'Failures', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfWarnings(), 'Warnings', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfDeprecations(), 'Deprecations', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfNotices(), 'Notices', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfTestSuiteSkippedEvents() + $result->numberOfTestSkippedEvents(), 'Skipped', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfTestMarkedIncompleteEvents(), 'Incomplete', $color);
$this->printCountString($result->numberOfTestsWithTestConsideredRiskyEvents(), 'Risky', $color);
$this->printWithColor($color, '.');
private function printCountString(int $count, string $name, string $color, bool $always = false): void
if ($always || $count > 0) {
'%s%s: %d',
$this->countPrinted ? ', ' : '',
$this->countPrinted = true;
private function printWithColor(string $color, string $buffer, bool $lf = true): void
if ($this->colors) {
$buffer = Color::colorizeTextBox($color, $buffer);
if ($lf) {
private function printNumberOfIssuesIgnoredByBaseline(TestResult $result): void
if ($result->hasIssuesIgnoredByBaseline()) {
'%s%d issue%s %s ignored by baseline.%s',
$result->numberOfIssuesIgnoredByBaseline() > 1 ? 's' : '',
$result->numberOfIssuesIgnoredByBaseline() > 1 ? 'were' : 'was',