Test project for media files management.
namespace NunoMaduro\Collision\Exceptions;
use PHPUnit\Event\Code\Throwable;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;
use ReflectionClass;
* @internal
final class TestException
private const DIFF_SEPARATOR = '--- Expected'.PHP_EOL.'+++ Actual'.PHP_EOL.'@@ @@'.PHP_EOL;
* Creates a new Exception instance.
public function __construct(
private readonly Throwable $throwable,
private readonly bool $isVerbose
) {
public function getThrowable(): Throwable
return $this->throwable;
* @return class-string
public function getClassName(): string
return $this->throwable->className();
public function getMessage(): string
if ($this->throwable->className() === ExpectationFailedException::class) {
$message = $this->throwable->description();
} else {
$message = $this->throwable->message();
$regexes = [
'To contain' => '/Failed asserting that \'(.*)\' \[[\w-]+\]\(length: [\d]+\) contains "(.*)"/s',
'Not to contain' => '/Failed asserting that \'(.*)\' \[[\w-]+\]\(length: [\d]+\) does not contain "(.*)"/s',
foreach ($regexes as $key => $pattern) {
preg_match($pattern, $message, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, 0);
if (count($matches) === 3) {
$message = $this->shortenMessage($matches, $key);
// Diffs...
if (str_contains($message, self::DIFF_SEPARATOR)) {
$diff = '';
$lines = explode(PHP_EOL, explode(self::DIFF_SEPARATOR, $message)[1]);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$diff .= $this->colorizeLine($line, str_starts_with($line, '-') ? 'red' : 'green').PHP_EOL;
$message = str_replace(explode(self::DIFF_SEPARATOR, $message)[1], $diff, $message);
$message = str_replace(self::DIFF_SEPARATOR, '', $message);
return $message;
private function shortenMessage(array $matches, string $key): string
$actual = $matches[1][0];
$expected = $matches[2][0];
$actualExploded = explode(PHP_EOL, $actual);
$expectedExploded = explode(PHP_EOL, $expected);
if (($countActual = count($actualExploded)) > 4 && ! $this->isVerbose) {
$actualExploded = array_slice($actualExploded, 0, 3);
if (($countExpected = count($expectedExploded)) > 4 && ! $this->isVerbose) {
$expectedExploded = array_slice($expectedExploded, 0, 3);
$actualAsString = '';
$expectedAsString = '';
foreach ($actualExploded as $line) {
$actualAsString .= PHP_EOL.$this->colorizeLine($line, 'red');
foreach ($expectedExploded as $line) {
$expectedAsString .= PHP_EOL.$this->colorizeLine($line, 'green');
if ($countActual > 4 && ! $this->isVerbose) {
$actualAsString .= PHP_EOL.$this->colorizeLine(sprintf('... (%s more lines)', $countActual - 3), 'gray');
if ($countExpected > 4 && ! $this->isVerbose) {
$expectedAsString .= PHP_EOL.$this->colorizeLine(sprintf('... (%s more lines)', $countExpected - 3), 'gray');
return implode(PHP_EOL, [
'Expected: '.ltrim($actualAsString, PHP_EOL.' '),
' '.$key.': '.ltrim($expectedAsString, PHP_EOL.' '),
public function getCode(): int
return 0;
* @throws \ReflectionException
public function getFile(): string
if (! isset($this->getTrace()[0])) {
return (string) (new ReflectionClass($this->getClassName()))->getFileName();
return $this->getTrace()[0]['file'];
public function getLine(): int
if (! isset($this->getTrace()[0])) {
return 0;
return (int) $this->getTrace()[0]['line'];
public function getTrace(): array
$frames = explode("\n", $this->getTraceAsString());
$frames = array_filter($frames, fn ($trace) => $trace !== '');
return array_map(function ($trace) {
if (trim($trace) === '') {
return null;
$parts = explode(':', $trace);
$line = array_pop($parts);
$file = implode(':', $parts);
return [
'file' => $file,
'line' => $line,
}, $frames);
public function getTraceAsString(): string
return $this->throwable->stackTrace();
public function getPrevious(): ?self
if ($this->throwable->hasPrevious()) {
return new self($this->throwable->previous(), $this->isVerbose);
return null;
public function __toString()
return $this->getMessage();
private function colorizeLine(string $line, string $color): string
return sprintf(' <fg=%s>%s</>', $color, $line);