Test project for media files management.
namespace NunoMaduro\Collision\Adapters\Phpunit;
use NunoMaduro\Collision\Contracts\Adapters\Phpunit\HasPrintableTestCaseName;
use NunoMaduro\Collision\Exceptions\ShouldNotHappen;
use PHPUnit\Event\Code\Test;
use PHPUnit\Event\Code\TestMethod;
use PHPUnit\Event\Code\Throwable;
use PHPUnit\Event\Test\BeforeFirstTestMethodErrored;
* @internal
final class TestResult
public const FAIL = 'failed';
public const SKIPPED = 'skipped';
public const INCOMPLETE = 'incomplete';
public const TODO = 'todo';
public const RISKY = 'risky';
public const DEPRECATED = 'deprecated';
public const NOTICE = 'notice';
public const WARN = 'warnings';
public const RUNS = 'pending';
public const PASS = 'passed';
public string $id;
public string $testCaseName;
public string $description;
public string $type;
public string $compactIcon;
public string $icon;
public string $compactColor;
public string $color;
public float $duration;
public ?Throwable $throwable;
public string $warning = '';
public string $warningSource = '';
public array $context;
* Creates a new TestResult instance.
private function __construct(string $id, string $testCaseName, string $description, string $type, string $icon, string $compactIcon, string $color, string $compactColor, array $context, ?Throwable $throwable = null)
$this->id = $id;
$this->testCaseName = $testCaseName;
$this->description = $description;
$this->type = $type;
$this->icon = $icon;
$this->compactIcon = $compactIcon;
$this->color = $color;
$this->compactColor = $compactColor;
$this->throwable = $throwable;
$this->context = $context;
$this->duration = 0.0;
$asWarning = $this->type === TestResult::WARN
|| $this->type === TestResult::RISKY
|| $this->type === TestResult::SKIPPED
|| $this->type === TestResult::DEPRECATED
|| $this->type === TestResult::NOTICE
|| $this->type === TestResult::INCOMPLETE;
if ($throwable instanceof Throwable && $asWarning) {
if (in_array($this->type, [TestResult::DEPRECATED, TestResult::NOTICE])) {
foreach (explode("\n", $throwable->stackTrace()) as $line) {
if (strpos($line, 'vendor/nunomaduro/collision') === false) {
$this->warningSource = str_replace(getcwd().'/', '', $line);
$this->warning .= trim((string) preg_replace("/\r|\n/", ' ', $throwable->message()));
// pest specific
$this->warning = str_replace('__pest_evaluable_', '', $this->warning);
$this->warning = str_replace('This test depends on "P\\', 'This test depends on "', $this->warning);
* Sets the telemetry information.
public function setDuration(float $duration): void
$this->duration = $duration;
* Creates a new test from the given test case.
public static function fromTestCase(Test $test, string $type, ?Throwable $throwable = null): self
if (! $test instanceof TestMethod) {
throw new ShouldNotHappen;
if (is_subclass_of($test->className(), HasPrintableTestCaseName::class)) {
$testCaseName = $test->className()::getPrintableTestCaseName();
$context = method_exists($test->className(), 'getPrintableContext') ? $test->className()::getPrintableContext() : [];
} else {
$testCaseName = $test->className();
$context = [];
$description = self::makeDescription($test);
$icon = self::makeIcon($type);
$compactIcon = self::makeCompactIcon($type);
$color = self::makeColor($type);
$compactColor = self::makeCompactColor($type);
return new self($test->id(), $testCaseName, $description, $type, $icon, $compactIcon, $color, $compactColor, $context, $throwable);
* Creates a new test from the given Pest Parallel Test Case.
public static function fromPestParallelTestCase(Test $test, string $type, ?Throwable $throwable = null): self
if (! $test instanceof TestMethod) {
throw new ShouldNotHappen;
if (is_subclass_of($test->className(), HasPrintableTestCaseName::class)) {
$testCaseName = $test->className()::getPrintableTestCaseName();
$description = $test->testDox()->prettifiedMethodName();
} else {
$testCaseName = $test->className();
$description = self::makeDescription($test);
$icon = self::makeIcon($type);
$compactIcon = self::makeCompactIcon($type);
$color = self::makeColor($type);
$compactColor = self::makeCompactColor($type);
return new self($test->id(), $testCaseName, $description, $type, $icon, $compactIcon, $color, $compactColor, [], $throwable);
* Creates a new test from the given test case.
public static function fromBeforeFirstTestMethodErrored(BeforeFirstTestMethodErrored $event): self
if (is_subclass_of($event->testClassName(), HasPrintableTestCaseName::class)) {
$testCaseName = $event->testClassName()::getPrintableTestCaseName();
} else {
$testCaseName = $event->testClassName();
$description = '';
$icon = self::makeIcon(self::FAIL);
$compactIcon = self::makeCompactIcon(self::FAIL);
$color = self::makeColor(self::FAIL);
$compactColor = self::makeCompactColor(self::FAIL);
return new self($testCaseName, $testCaseName, $description, self::FAIL, $icon, $compactIcon, $color, $compactColor, [], $event->throwable());
* Get the test case description.
public static function makeDescription(TestMethod $test): string
if (is_subclass_of($test->className(), HasPrintableTestCaseName::class)) {
return $test->className()::getLatestPrintableTestCaseMethodName();
$name = $test->name();
// First, lets replace underscore by spaces.
$name = str_replace('_', ' ', $name);
// Then, replace upper cases by spaces.
$name = (string) preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', ' $1', $name);
// Finally, if it starts with `test`, we remove it.
$name = (string) preg_replace('/^test/', '', $name);
// Removes spaces
$name = trim($name);
// Lower case everything
$name = mb_strtolower($name);
return $name;
* Get the test case icon.
public static function makeIcon(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case self::FAIL:
return '⨯';
case self::SKIPPED:
return '-';
case self::DEPRECATED:
case self::WARN:
case self::RISKY:
case self::NOTICE:
return '!';
case self::INCOMPLETE:
return '…';
case self::TODO:
return '↓';
case self::RUNS:
return '•';
return '✓';
* Get the test case compact icon.
public static function makeCompactIcon(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case self::FAIL:
return '⨯';
case self::SKIPPED:
return 's';
case self::DEPRECATED:
case self::NOTICE:
case self::WARN:
case self::RISKY:
return '!';
case self::INCOMPLETE:
return 'i';
case self::TODO:
return 't';
case self::RUNS:
return '•';
return '.';
* Get the test case compact color.
public static function makeCompactColor(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case self::FAIL:
return 'red';
case self::DEPRECATED:
case self::NOTICE:
case self::SKIPPED:
case self::INCOMPLETE:
case self::RISKY:
case self::WARN:
case self::RUNS:
return 'yellow';
case self::TODO:
return 'cyan';
return 'gray';
* Get the test case color.
public static function makeColor(string $type): string
switch ($type) {
case self::TODO:
return 'cyan';
case self::FAIL:
return 'red';
case self::DEPRECATED:
case self::NOTICE:
case self::SKIPPED:
case self::INCOMPLETE:
case self::RISKY:
case self::WARN:
case self::RUNS:
return 'yellow';
return 'green';