Test project for media files management.
* This file is part of the Carbon package.
* (c) Brian Nesbitt <brian@nesbot.com>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace Carbon\Traits;
use Carbon\Carbon;
use Carbon\CarbonImmutable;
use Carbon\CarbonInterface;
use Carbon\CarbonInterval;
use Carbon\CarbonPeriod;
use Carbon\CarbonPeriodImmutable;
use Carbon\Exceptions\UnitException;
use Closure;
use DateTime;
use DateTimeImmutable;
use DateTimeInterface;
* Trait Converter.
* Change date into different string formats and types and
* handle the string cast.
* Depends on the following methods:
* @method static copy()
trait Converter
use ToStringFormat;
* Returns the formatted date string on success or FALSE on failure.
* @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php
public function format(string $format): string
$function = $this->localFormatFunction
?? $this->getFactory()->getSettings()['formatFunction']
?? static::$formatFunction;
if (!$function) {
return $this->rawFormat($format);
if (\is_string($function) && method_exists($this, $function)) {
$function = [$this, $function];
return $function(...\func_get_args());
* @see https://php.net/manual/en/datetime.format.php
public function rawFormat(string $format): string
return parent::format($format);
* Format the instance as a string using the set format
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now(); // Carbon instances can be cast to string
* ```
public function __toString(): string
$format = $this->localToStringFormat
?? $this->getFactory()->getSettings()['toStringFormat']
?? null;
return $format instanceof Closure
? $format($this)
: $this->rawFormat($format ?: (
* Format the instance as date
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toDateString();
* ```
public function toDateString(): string
return $this->rawFormat('Y-m-d');
* Format the instance as a readable date
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toFormattedDateString();
* ```
public function toFormattedDateString(): string
return $this->rawFormat('M j, Y');
* Format the instance with the day, and a readable date
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toFormattedDayDateString();
* ```
public function toFormattedDayDateString(): string
return $this->rawFormat('D, M j, Y');
* Format the instance as time
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toTimeString();
* ```
public function toTimeString(string $unitPrecision = 'second'): string
return $this->rawFormat(static::getTimeFormatByPrecision($unitPrecision));
* Format the instance as date and time
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
* ```
public function toDateTimeString(string $unitPrecision = 'second'): string
return $this->rawFormat('Y-m-d '.static::getTimeFormatByPrecision($unitPrecision));
* Return a format from H:i to H:i:s.u according to given unit precision.
* @param string $unitPrecision "minute", "second", "millisecond" or "microsecond"
public static function getTimeFormatByPrecision(string $unitPrecision): string
return match (static::singularUnit($unitPrecision)) {
'minute' => 'H:i',
'second' => 'H:i:s',
'm', 'millisecond' => 'H:i:s.v',
'µ', 'microsecond' => 'H:i:s.u',
default => throw new UnitException('Precision unit expected among: minute, second, millisecond and microsecond.'),
* Format the instance as date and time T-separated with no timezone
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toDateTimeLocalString();
* echo "\n";
* echo Carbon::now()->toDateTimeLocalString('minute'); // You can specify precision among: minute, second, millisecond and microsecond
* ```
public function toDateTimeLocalString(string $unitPrecision = 'second'): string
return $this->rawFormat('Y-m-d\T'.static::getTimeFormatByPrecision($unitPrecision));
* Format the instance with day, date and time
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toDayDateTimeString();
* ```
public function toDayDateTimeString(): string
return $this->rawFormat('D, M j, Y g:i A');
* Format the instance as ATOM
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toAtomString();
* ```
public function toAtomString(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTime::ATOM);
* Format the instance as COOKIE
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toCookieString();
* ```
public function toCookieString(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::COOKIE);
* Format the instance as ISO8601
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toIso8601String();
* ```
public function toIso8601String(): string
return $this->toAtomString();
* Format the instance as RFC822
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc822String();
* ```
public function toRfc822String(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC822);
* Convert the instance to UTC and return as Zulu ISO8601
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toIso8601ZuluString();
* ```
public function toIso8601ZuluString(string $unitPrecision = 'second'): string
return $this->avoidMutation()
* Format the instance as RFC850
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc850String();
* ```
public function toRfc850String(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC850);
* Format the instance as RFC1036
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc1036String();
* ```
public function toRfc1036String(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC1036);
* Format the instance as RFC1123
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc1123String();
* ```
public function toRfc1123String(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC1123);
* Format the instance as RFC2822
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc2822String();
* ```
public function toRfc2822String(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RFC2822);
* Format the instance as RFC3339.
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc3339String() . "\n";
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc3339String(true) . "\n";
* ```
public function toRfc3339String(bool $extended = false): string
return $this->rawFormat($extended ? DateTimeInterface::RFC3339_EXTENDED : DateTimeInterface::RFC3339);
* Format the instance as RSS
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRssString();
* ```
public function toRssString(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::RSS);
* Format the instance as W3C
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toW3cString();
* ```
public function toW3cString(): string
return $this->rawFormat(DateTimeInterface::W3C);
* Format the instance as RFC7231
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toRfc7231String();
* ```
public function toRfc7231String(): string
return $this->avoidMutation()
->rawFormat(\defined('static::RFC7231_FORMAT') ? static::RFC7231_FORMAT : CarbonInterface::RFC7231_FORMAT);
* Get default array representation.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(Carbon::now()->toArray());
* ```
public function toArray(): array
return [
'year' => $this->year,
'month' => $this->month,
'day' => $this->day,
'dayOfWeek' => $this->dayOfWeek,
'dayOfYear' => $this->dayOfYear,
'hour' => $this->hour,
'minute' => $this->minute,
'second' => $this->second,
'micro' => $this->micro,
'timestamp' => $this->timestamp,
'formatted' => $this->rawFormat(\defined('static::DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT') ? static::DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT : CarbonInterface::DEFAULT_TO_STRING_FORMAT),
'timezone' => $this->timezone,
* Get default object representation.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(Carbon::now()->toObject());
* ```
public function toObject(): object
return (object) $this->toArray();
* Returns english human-readable complete date string.
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now()->toString();
* ```
public function toString(): string
return $this->avoidMutation()->locale('en')->isoFormat('ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ');
* Return the ISO-8601 string (ex: 1977-04-22T06:00:00Z, if $keepOffset truthy, offset will be kept:
* 1977-04-22T01:00:00-05:00).
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now('America/Toronto')->toISOString() . "\n";
* echo Carbon::now('America/Toronto')->toISOString(true) . "\n";
* ```
* @param bool $keepOffset Pass true to keep the date offset. Else forced to UTC.
public function toISOString(bool $keepOffset = false): ?string
if (!$this->isValid()) {
return null;
$yearFormat = $this->year < 0 || $this->year > 9999 ? 'YYYYYY' : 'YYYY';
$timezoneFormat = $keepOffset ? 'Z' : '[Z]';
$date = $keepOffset ? $this : $this->avoidMutation()->utc();
return $date->isoFormat("$yearFormat-MM-DD[T]HH:mm:ss.SSSSSS$timezoneFormat");
* Return the ISO-8601 string (ex: 1977-04-22T06:00:00Z) with UTC timezone.
* @example
* ```
* echo Carbon::now('America/Toronto')->toJSON();
* ```
public function toJSON(): ?string
return $this->toISOString();
* Return native DateTime PHP object matching the current instance.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(Carbon::now()->toDateTime());
* ```
public function toDateTime(): DateTime
return new DateTime($this->rawFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $this->getTimezone());
* Return native toDateTimeImmutable PHP object matching the current instance.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(Carbon::now()->toDateTimeImmutable());
* ```
public function toDateTimeImmutable(): DateTimeImmutable
return new DateTimeImmutable($this->rawFormat('Y-m-d H:i:s.u'), $this->getTimezone());
* @alias toDateTime
* Return native DateTime PHP object matching the current instance.
* @example
* ```
* var_dump(Carbon::now()->toDate());
* ```
public function toDate(): DateTime
return $this->toDateTime();
* Create a iterable CarbonPeriod object from current date to a given end date (and optional interval).
* @param \DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|int|null $end period end date or recurrences count if int
* @param int|\DateInterval|string|null $interval period default interval or number of the given $unit
* @param string|null $unit if specified, $interval must be an integer
public function toPeriod($end = null, $interval = null, $unit = null): CarbonPeriod
if ($unit) {
$interval = CarbonInterval::make("$interval ".static::pluralUnit($unit));
$isDefaultInterval = !$interval;
$interval ??= CarbonInterval::day();
$class = $this->isMutable() ? CarbonPeriod::class : CarbonPeriodImmutable::class;
if (\is_int($end) || (\is_string($end) && ctype_digit($end))) {
$end = (int) $end;
$end ??= 1;
if (!\is_int($end)) {
$end = $this->resolveCarbon($end);
return new $class(
raw: [$this, CarbonInterval::make($interval), $end],
dateClass: static::class,
isDefaultInterval: $isDefaultInterval,
* Create a iterable CarbonPeriod object from current date to a given end date (and optional interval).
* @param \DateTimeInterface|Carbon|CarbonImmutable|null $end period end date
* @param int|\DateInterval|string|null $interval period default interval or number of the given $unit
* @param string|null $unit if specified, $interval must be an integer
public function range($end = null, $interval = null, $unit = null): CarbonPeriod
return $this->toPeriod($end, $interval, $unit);