Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestFailure;
final class LogicalOrTest extends ConstraintTestCase
public function testSetConstraintsDecoratesNonConstraintWithIsEqual(): void
$constraints = [
new \stdClass,
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
$this->assertTrue($constraint->evaluate(new \stdClass, '', true));
public function testCountReturnsCountOfComposedConstraints(): void
$counts = [
$constraints = \array_map(function (int $count) {
return \CountConstraint::fromCount($count);
}, $counts);
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
$expected = \array_sum($counts);
$this->assertSame($expected, $constraint->count());
public function testToStringReturnsImplodedStringRepresentationOfComposedConstraintsGluedWithOr(): void
$names = [
'is healthy',
'is rich in amino acids',
'is rich in unsaturated fats',
$constraints = \array_map(function (string $name) {
return \NamedConstraint::fromName($name);
}, $names);
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
$expected = \implode(' or ', $names);
$this->assertSame($expected, $constraint->toString());
* @dataProvider providerFailingConstraints
* @param Constraint[] $constraints
public function testEvaluateReturnsFalseIfAllOfTheComposedConstraintsEvaluateToFalse(array $constraints): void
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
$this->assertFalse($constraint->evaluate('whatever', '', true));
* @dataProvider providerSucceedingConstraints
* @param Constraint[] $constraints
public function testEvaluateReturnsTrueIfAnyOfTheComposedConstraintsEvaluateToTrue(array $constraints): void
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
$this->assertTrue($constraint->evaluate('whatever', '', true));
* @dataProvider providerFailingConstraints
* @param Constraint[] $constraints
public function testEvaluateThrowsExceptionIfAllOfTheComposedConstraintsEvaluateToFalse(array $constraints): void
$other = 'whatever';
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
try {
} catch (ExpectationFailedException $exception) {
$toString = $this->stringify($constraints);
$expectedDescription = <<<EOF
Failed asserting that '$other' $toString.
$this->assertEquals($expectedDescription, TestFailure::exceptionToString($exception));
* @dataProvider providerFailingConstraints
* @param Constraint[] $constraints
public function testEvaluateThrowsExceptionWithCustomMessageIfAllOfTheComposedConstraintsEvaluateToFalse(array $constraints): void
$other = 'whatever';
$customDescription = 'Not very happy about the results at this point in time, I have to admit!';
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
try {
} catch (ExpectationFailedException $exception) {
$toString = $this->stringify($constraints);
$expectedDescription = <<<EOF
Failed asserting that '$other' $toString.
$this->assertEquals($expectedDescription, TestFailure::exceptionToString($exception));
* @dataProvider providerSucceedingConstraints
* @param Constraint[] $constraints
public function testEvaluateReturnsNothingIfAnyOfTheComposedConstraintsEvaluateToTrue(array $constraints): void
$constraint = new LogicalOr;
public function providerFailingConstraints(): \Generator
$values = [
'single' => [
new \FalsyConstraint,
new \FalsyConstraint,
new \FalsyConstraint,
'multiple' => [
new \FalsyConstraint,
new \FalsyConstraint,
new \FalsyConstraint,
foreach ($values as $key => $constraints) {
yield $key => [
public function providerSucceedingConstraints(): \Generator
$values = [
'single' => [
new \TruthyConstraint,
'multiple' => [
new \FalsyConstraint,
new \TruthyConstraint,
new \FalsyConstraint,
foreach ($values as $key => $constraints) {
yield $key => [
private function stringify(array $constraints): string
return \implode(
' or ',
\array_map(function (Constraint $constraint) {
return $constraint->toString();
}, $constraints)