Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PHPUnit\Framework\Constraint;
use PHPUnit\Framework\ExpectationFailedException;
use PHPUnit\Util\Json;
class JsonMatchesTest extends ConstraintTestCase
public static function evaluateDataprovider(): array
return [
'valid JSON' => [true, \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux']), \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux'])],
'error syntax' => [false, '{"Mascott"::}', \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux'])],
'error UTF-8' => [false, \json_encode('\xB1\x31'), \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux'])],
'invalid JSON in class instantiation' => [false, \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux']), '{"Mascott"::}'],
'string type not equals number' => [false, '{"age": "5"}', '{"age": 5}'],
'string type not equals boolean' => [false, '{"age": "true"}', '{"age": true}'],
'string type not equals null' => [false, '{"age": "null"}', '{"age": null}'],
'object fields are unordered' => [true, '{"first":1, "second":"2"}', '{"second":"2", "first":1}'],
'child object fields are unordered' => [true, '{"Mascott": {"name":"Tux", "age":5}}', '{"Mascott": {"age":5, "name":"Tux"}}'],
'null field different from missing field' => [false, '{"present": true, "missing": null}', '{"present": true}'],
'array elements are ordered' => [false, '["first", "second"]', '["second", "first"]'],
'single boolean valid json' => [true, 'true', 'true'],
'single number valid json' => [true, '5.3', '5.3'],
'single null valid json' => [true, 'null', 'null'],
'objects are not arrays' => [false, '{}', '[]'],
public static function evaluateThrowsExpectationFailedExceptionWhenJsonIsValidButDoesNotMatchDataprovider(): array
return [
'error UTF-8' => [\json_encode('\xB1\x31'), \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux'])],
'string type not equals number' => ['{"age": "5"}', '{"age": 5}'],
'string type not equals boolean' => ['{"age": "true"}', '{"age": true}'],
'string type not equals null' => ['{"age": "null"}', '{"age": null}'],
'null field different from missing field' => ['{"present": true, "missing": null}', '{"present": true}'],
'array elements are ordered' => ['["first", "second"]', '["second", "first"]'],
* @dataProvider evaluateDataprovider
* @throws ExpectationFailedException
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
public function testEvaluate($expected, $jsonOther, $jsonValue): void
$constraint = new JsonMatches($jsonValue);
$this->assertEquals($expected, $constraint->evaluate($jsonOther, '', true));
* @dataProvider evaluateThrowsExpectationFailedExceptionWhenJsonIsValidButDoesNotMatchDataprovider
* @throws ExpectationFailedException
* @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\AssertionFailedError
* @throws \PHPUnit\Framework\Exception
* @throws \SebastianBergmann\RecursionContext\InvalidArgumentException
public function testEvaluateThrowsExpectationFailedExceptionWhenJsonIsValidButDoesNotMatch($jsonOther, $jsonValue): void
$constraint = new JsonMatches($jsonValue);
try {
$constraint->evaluate($jsonOther, '', false);
$this->fail(\sprintf('Expected %s to be thrown.', ExpectationFailedException::class));
} catch (ExpectationFailedException $expectedException) {
$comparisonFailure = $expectedException->getComparisonFailure();
$this->assertSame(Json::prettify($jsonOther), $comparisonFailure->getActualAsString());
$this->assertSame(Json::prettify($jsonValue), $comparisonFailure->getExpectedAsString());
$this->assertSame('Failed asserting that two json values are equal.', $comparisonFailure->getMessage());
public function testToString(): void
$jsonValue = \json_encode(['Mascott' => 'Tux']);
$constraint = new JsonMatches($jsonValue);
$this->assertEquals('matches JSON string "' . $jsonValue . '"', $constraint->toString());