Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
GH-765: Fatal error triggered in PHPUnit when exception is thrown in data provider of a test with a dependency
$_SERVER['argv'][1] = '--no-configuration';
$_SERVER['argv'][2] = 'Issue765Test';
$_SERVER['argv'][3] = __DIR__ . '/765/Issue765Test.php';
require __DIR__ . '/../../../bootstrap.php';
PHPUnit %s by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
.W 2 / 2 (100%)
Time: %s, Memory: %s
There was 1 warning:
1) Warning
The data provider specified for Issue765Test::testDependent is invalid.
Tests: 2, Assertions: 1, Warnings: 1.