Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
* This file is part of PHPUnit.
* (c) Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
class ExceptionTest extends TestCase
* Exception message
* @var string
public const ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Exception message';
* Exception message
* @var string
public const ERROR_MESSAGE_REGEX = '#regex#';
* Exception code
* @var int
public const ERROR_CODE = 500;
* @expectedException FooBarBaz
public function testOne(): void
* @expectedException Foo_Bar_Baz
public function testTwo(): void
* @expectedException Foo\Bar\Baz
public function testThree(): void
* @expectedException ほげ
public function testFour(): void
* @expectedException Class Message 1234
public function testFive(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionCode 1234
public function testSix(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionCode ExceptionCode
public function testSeven(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionCode 0
public function testEight(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionMessage ExceptionTest::ERROR_MESSAGE
* @expectedExceptionCode ExceptionTest::ERROR_CODE
public function testNine(): void
/** @expectedException Class */
public function testSingleLine(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionCode ExceptionTest::UNKNOWN_CODE_CONSTANT
* @expectedExceptionMessage ExceptionTest::UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_CONSTANT
public function testUnknownConstants(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionCode 1234
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp #regex#
public function testWithRegexMessage(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionCode 1234
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp ExceptionTest::ERROR_MESSAGE_REGEX
public function testWithRegexMessageFromClassConstant(): void
* @expectedException Class
* @expectedExceptionCode 1234
* @expectedExceptionMessage Message
* @expectedExceptionMessageRegExp ExceptionTest::UNKNOWN_MESSAGE_REGEX_CONSTANT
public function testWithUnknowRegexMessageFromClassConstant(): void