Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
* This file is part of PharIo\Manifest.
* (c) Arne Blankerts <arne@blankerts.de>, Sebastian Heuer <sebastian@phpeople.de>, Sebastian Bergmann <sebastian@phpunit.de>
* For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
* file that was distributed with this source code.
namespace PharIo\Manifest;
class AuthorCollectionIterator implements \Iterator {
* @var Author[]
private $authors = [];
* @var int
private $position;
public function __construct(AuthorCollection $authors) {
$this->authors = $authors->getAuthors();
public function rewind() {
$this->position = 0;
* @return bool
public function valid() {
return $this->position < count($this->authors);
* @return int
public function key() {
return $this->position;
* @return Author
public function current() {
return $this->authors[$this->position];
public function next() {