Izveidot aplikāciju, kura ik pēc noteikta intervāla (60 sekundes) veic ierakstu datubāzē izmantojot Laravel freimworka iebūvēto funkcionalitāti.
namespace BeyondCode\DumpServer;
use Illuminate\Console\Command;
use InvalidArgumentException;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Cloner\Data;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Style\SymfonyStyle;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\CliDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Dumper\HtmlDumper;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server\DumpServer;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command\Descriptor\CliDescriptor;
use Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Command\Descriptor\HtmlDescriptor;
class DumpServerCommand extends Command
* The console command name.
* @var string
protected $signature = 'dump-server {--format=cli : The output format (cli,html).}';
* The console command description.
* @var string
protected $description = 'Start the dump server to collect dump information.';
* The Dump server.
* @var \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server\DumpServer
protected $server;
* DumpServerCommand constructor.
* @param \Symfony\Component\VarDumper\Server\DumpServer $server
* @return void
public function __construct(DumpServer $server)
$this->server = $server;
* Handle the command.
* @return void
public function handle()
switch ($format = $this->option('format')) {
case 'cli':
$descriptor = new CliDescriptor(new CliDumper);
case 'html':
$descriptor = new HtmlDescriptor(new HtmlDumper);
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unsupported format "%s".', $format));
$io = new SymfonyStyle($this->input, $this->output);
$errorIo = $io->getErrorStyle();
$errorIo->title('Laravel Var Dump Server');
$errorIo->success(sprintf('Server listening on %s', $this->server->getHost()));
$errorIo->comment('Quit the server with CONTROL-C.');
$this->server->listen(function (Data $data, array $context, int $clientId) use ($descriptor, $io) {
$descriptor->describe($io, $data, $context, $clientId);