Создать простой сайт, где будет страница с формой для авторизации и страница для авторизованного пользователя.
/* ================================================
* Make use of Twitter Bootstrap's modal more monkey-friendly
* For Bootstrap 3.
* javanoob@hotmail.com
* Licensed under The MIT License.
* ================================================ */
var BootstrapDialog = null;
!function($) {
"use strict";
BootstrapDialog = function(options) {
this.defaultOptions = {
type: BootstrapDialog.TYPE_PRIMARY,
size: BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL,
title: null,
message: null,
buttons: [],
closable: true,
spinicon: BootstrapDialog.ICON_SPINNER,
data: {},
onshow: null,
onhide: null,
autodestroy: true
this.indexedButtons = {};
this.realized = false;
BootstrapDialog.NAMESPACE = 'bootstrap-dialog';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DEFAULT = 'type-default';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_INFO = 'type-info';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_PRIMARY = 'type-primary';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS = 'type-success';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING = 'type-warning';
BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER = 'type-danger';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS = {};
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DEFAULT] = 'Information';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_INFO] = 'Information';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_PRIMARY] = 'Information';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_SUCCESS] = 'Success';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_WARNING] = 'Warning';
BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[BootstrapDialog.TYPE_DANGER] = 'Danger';
BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL = 'size-normal';
BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE = 'size-large';
BootstrapDialog.BUTTON_SIZES = {};
BootstrapDialog.BUTTON_SIZES[BootstrapDialog.SIZE_NORMAL] = '';
BootstrapDialog.BUTTON_SIZES[BootstrapDialog.SIZE_LARGE] = 'btn-lg';
BootstrapDialog.ICON_SPINNER = 'glyphicon glyphicon-asterisk';
BootstrapDialog.prototype = {
constructor: BootstrapDialog,
initOptions: function(options) {
this.options = $.extend(true, this.defaultOptions, options);
return this;
initModalStuff: function() {
return this;
createModal: function() {
return $('<div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1"></div>');
getModal: function() {
return this.$modal;
setModal: function($modal) {
this.$modal = $modal;
return this;
createModalDialog: function() {
return $('<div class="modal-dialog"></div>');
getModalDialog: function() {
return this.$modalDialog;
setModalDialog: function($modalDialog) {
this.$modalDialog = $modalDialog;
return this;
createModalContent: function() {
return $('<div class="modal-content"></div>');
getModalContent: function() {
return this.$modalContent;
setModalContent: function($modalContent) {
this.$modalContent = $modalContent;
return this;
createModalHeader: function() {
return $('<div class="modal-header"></div>');
getModalHeader: function() {
return this.$modalHeader;
setModalHeader: function($modalHeader) {
this.$modalHeader = $modalHeader;
return this;
createModalBody: function() {
return $('<div class="modal-body"></div>');
getModalBody: function() {
return this.$modalBody;
setModalBody: function($modalBody) {
this.$modalBody = $modalBody;
return this;
createModalFooter: function() {
return $('<div class="modal-footer"></div>');
getModalFooter: function() {
return this.$modaFooter;
setModalFooter: function($modaFooter) {
this.$modaFooter = $modaFooter;
return this;
createDynamicContent: function(rawContent) {
var contentType = typeof rawContent;
if (contentType === 'function') {
return rawContent.call(rawContent, this);
return rawContent;
setData: function(key, value) {
this.options.data[key] = value;
return this;
getData: function(key) {
return this.options.data[key];
getType: function() {
return this.options.type;
setType: function(type) {
this.options.type = type;
return this;
getSize: function() {
return this.options.size;
setSize: function(size) {
this.options.size = size;
return this;
getTitle: function() {
return this.options.title;
setTitle: function(title) {
this.options.title = title;
return this;
getMessage: function() {
return this.options.message;
setMessage: function(message) {
this.options.message = message;
return this;
isClosable: function() {
return this.options.closable;
setClosable: function(closable) {
this.options.closable = closable;
return this;
getSpinicon: function() {
return this.options.spinicon;
setSpinicon: function(spinicon) {
this.options.spinicon = spinicon;
return this;
addButton: function(button) {
return this;
addButtons: function(buttons) {
var that = this;
$.each(buttons, function(index, button) {
return this;
getButtons: function() {
return this.options.buttons;
setButtons: function(buttons) {
this.options.buttons = buttons;
return this;
* If there is id provided for a button option, it will be in dialog.indexedButtons list.
* In that case you can use dialog.getButton(id) to find the button.
* @param {type} id
* @returns {undefined}
getButton: function(id) {
if (typeof this.indexedButtons[id] !== 'undefined') {
return this.indexedButtons[id];
return null;
getButtonSize: function() {
if (typeof BootstrapDialog.BUTTON_SIZES[this.getSize()] !== 'undefined') {
return BootstrapDialog.BUTTON_SIZES[this.getSize()];
return '';
isAutodestroy: function() {
return this.options.autodestroy;
setAutodestroy: function(autodestroy) {
this.options.autodestroy = autodestroy;
getDefaultText: function() {
return BootstrapDialog.DEFAULT_TEXTS[this.getType()];
getNamespace: function(name) {
return BootstrapDialog.NAMESPACE + '-' + name;
createHeaderContent: function() {
var $container = $('<div></div>');
// title
// Close button
if (this.isClosable()) {
return $container;
createTitleContent: function() {
var $title = $('<div></div>');
$title.append(this.getTitle() !== null ? this.createDynamicContent(this.getTitle()) : this.getDefaultText());
return $title;
createCloseButton: function() {
var $container = $('<div></div>');
var $icon = $('<button class="close">×</button>');
$container.on('click', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
return $container;
createBodyContent: function() {
var $container = $('<div></div>');
// Message
return $container;
createMessageContent: function() {
var $message = $('<div></div>');
return $message;
createFooterContent: function() {
var $container = $('<div></div>');
// Buttons
return $container;
createFooterButtons: function() {
var that = this;
var $container = $('<div></div>');
this.indexedButtons = {};
$.each(this.options.buttons, function(index, button) {
var $button = that.createButton(button);
if (typeof button.id !== 'undefined') {
that.indexedButtons[button.id] = $button;
return $container;
createButton: function(button) {
var $button = $('<button class="btn"></button>');
// Icon
if (typeof button.icon !== undefined && $.trim(button.icon) !== '') {
// Label
if (typeof button.label !== undefined) {
// Css class
if (typeof button.cssClass !== undefined && $.trim(button.cssClass) !== '') {
} else {
// Button on click
$button.on('click', {dialog: this, button: button}, function(event) {
var dialog = event.data.dialog;
var button = event.data.button;
if (typeof button.action === 'function') {
button.action.call(this, dialog);
if (button.autospin) {
var $button = $(this);
$button.find('.' + dialog.getNamespace('button-icon')).remove();
return $button;
createButtonIcon: function(icon) {
var $icon = $('<span></span>');
return $icon;
* Invoke this only after the dialog is realized.
* @param {type} enable
* @returns {undefined}
enableButtons: function(enable) {
var $buttons = this.getModalFooter().find('.btn');
$buttons.prop("disabled", !enable).toggleClass('disabled', !enable);
return this;
* Invoke this only after the dialog is realized.
* @param {type} enable
* @returns {undefined}
updateClosable: function() {
if (this.isRealized()) {
// Backdrop, I did't find a way to change bs3 backdrop option after the dialog is poped up, so here's a new wheel.
var $theBigMask = this.getModal();
$theBigMask.off('click').on('click', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
event.target === this && event.data.dialog.isClosable() && event.data.dialog.close();
// Close button
this.getModalHeader().find('.' + this.getNamespace('close-button')).toggle(this.isClosable());
// ESC key support
$theBigMask.off('keyup').on('keyup', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
event.which === 27 && event.data.dialog.isClosable() && event.data.dialog.close();
return this;
* Set handler for modal event 'show'.
* This is a setter!
* @param {type} onopen
* @returns {_L9.BootstrapDialog.prototype}
onShow: function(onshow) {
this.options.onshow = onshow;
return this;
* Set handler for modal event 'hide'.
* This is a setter!
* @param {type} onclose
* @returns {_L9.BootstrapDialog.prototype}
onHide: function(onhide) {
this.options.onhide = onhide;
return this;
isRealized: function() {
return this.realized;
setRealized: function(realized) {
this.realized = realized;
return this;
handleModalEvents: function() {
this.getModal().on('show.bs.modal', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
var dialog = event.data.dialog;
typeof dialog.options.onshow === 'function' && dialog.options.onshow(dialog);
this.getModal().on('hide.bs.modal', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
var dialog = event.data.dialog;
typeof dialog.options.onhide === 'function' && dialog.options.onhide(dialog);
this.getModal().on('hidden.bs.modal', {dialog: this}, function(event) {
var dialog = event.data.dialog;
dialog.isAutodestroy() && $(this).remove();
return this;
realize: function() {
backdrop: 'static',
keyboard: false
return this;
open: function() {
!this.isRealized() && this.realize();
return this;
close: function() {
return this;
/* ================================================
* For lazy people
* ================================================ */
* Shortcut function: show
* @param {type} options
* @returns {undefined}
BootstrapDialog.show = function(options) {
new BootstrapDialog(options).open();
* Alert window
* @param {type} message
* @param {type} callback
* @returns {undefined}
BootstrapDialog.alert = function(message, callback) {
new BootstrapDialog({
message: message,
data: {
'callback': callback
closable: false,
buttons: [{
label: 'OK',
action: function(dialog) {
typeof dialog.getData('callback') === 'function' && dialog.getData('callback')(true);
* Confirm window
* @param {type} message
* @param {type} callback
* @returns {undefined}
BootstrapDialog.confirm = function(message, callback) {
new BootstrapDialog({
title: 'Confirmation',
message: message,
closable: false,
data: {
'callback': callback
buttons: [{
label: 'Cancel',
action: function(dialog) {
typeof dialog.getData('callback') === 'function' && dialog.getData('callback')(false);
}, {
label: 'OK',
cssClass: 'btn-primary',
action: function(dialog) {
typeof dialog.getData('callback') === 'function' && dialog.getData('callback')(true);