Test project for media files management.
// src/index.ts
import { relative, resolve } from "path";
import colors from "picocolors";
import picomatch from "picomatch";
import { normalizePath } from "vite";
function normalizePaths(root, path) {
return (Array.isArray(path) ? path : [path]).map((path2) => resolve(root, path2)).map(normalizePath);
var src_default = (paths, config = {}) => ({
name: "vite-plugin-full-reload",
apply: "serve",
// NOTE: Enable globbing so that Vite keeps track of the template files.
config: () => ({ server: { watch: { disableGlobbing: false } } }),
configureServer({ watcher, ws, config: { logger } }) {
const { root = process.cwd(), log = true, always = true, delay = 0 } = config;
const files = normalizePaths(root, paths);
const shouldReload = picomatch(files);
const checkReload = (path) => {
if (shouldReload(path)) {
setTimeout(() => ws.send({ type: "full-reload", path: always ? "*" : path }), delay);
if (log)
logger.info(`${colors.green("full reload")} ${colors.dim(relative(root, path))}`, { clear: true, timestamp: true });
watcher.on("add", checkReload);
watcher.on("change", checkReload);
export {
src_default as default,